Poggiatesta africano a ‘cariatide’
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Poggiatesta africano a ‘cariatide’
Repubblica Democratica del Congo – Hemba
Poggiatesta antropomorfo finemente scolpito raffigurante una donna seduta con le braccia piegate verso le spalle. Poggiatesta come questo venivano usati dai membri di alto rango della società Hemba per tenere la testa sollevata durante il riposo, proteggendo le loro elaborate e ingombranti acconciature.
An African caryatid head rest
Democratic Republic of Congo – Hemba people
A nicely carved anthropomorphic head rest depicting a seated woman with her arms bent to the shoulders.
Head rests like this were used by high-ranking members of the Hemba society to keep the head elevated while resting, protecting their elaborate and cumbersome hairstyles.
H cm 18.5
Arte Orientale
Inizio Offerte: 11-03-2025 10:24:51 – Fine Offerte: 07-04-2025 11:00:00